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Wellness Checks for Seniors in Central Valley & East Bay, CA

ACASA Senior Care Central Valley & East Bay ensures safety, security, and health by providing medication reminders and wellness checks for seniors in Central Valley & East Bay, CA. Every patient has different requirements and wants. We can customize a care plan for you or your loved one for a happy, healthy life. We offer four cost-effective plans to fit your budget. Whether your loved one needs an occasional reminder or consistent care, our team will treat them with warmth, kindness, and dignity.

man on phone

A Reminder to Take Medication

Our medication care service provides confidence and peace by encouraging your loved one to live well. During a reminder, individuals receive a phone call with a friendly reminder to take their medication at the scheduled time. Reminders can be sent up to five times a day or less, depending on how often the individual needs to take their med. You or a caregiver can also get notifications and medication intake confirmation at no additional costs, enabling you to detect skipped doses and monitor your loved one’s medication usage.

Choose From Four Optimal Reminder Plans

Here are the four plans you can choose from according to your needs:

14-Day Free Trial

Includes one reminder, follow-up confirmation call, a phone or text caregiver notification, and an activity report.

Reminder Plan One

Includes one daily reminder, a follow-up confirmation call, a phone, text, or email notification to family members and caregivers, a personal greeting, and an activity report.

Reminder Plan Two

Includes up to three daily reminders, follow-up verification, phone, text, or email notification for caregivers and family members, a personalized greeting, and an activity report.

Reminder Plan Three

Includes up to five daily reminders, a follow-up verification call, phone, text, or email verification to family and caregivers, a personal greeting, and an activity report.

Because Your Senior’s Safety Is Crucial

At ACASA Senior Care Central Valley & East Bay, we understand the worry and concern families have about the seniors in their lives. Our reminders and checks are designed to make you and your loved one’s lives easier and more carefree. Our services will ensure your loved one follows their health and wellness plan and help detect any sudden changes. We enjoy the happiness and comfort our services give the people we serve. You’ll feel peace knowing our professional team is by you and your loved one’s side.

senior woman laughing with caregiver

Protect Your Loved One With Safety Checks

For an additional $9.95 monthly, we’ll provide your loved one with a home wellness and safety check with their medication reminder. It includes confirmation of your loved one’s state of wellness and will give you rapid-response notifications, keeping you informed daily. Here’s how it works:

  • The participant gets up to three daily wellness and safety check calls daily.
  • The participant lets the caller know if they are safe or need help.
  • Family members are sent a near-instant notification informing them of the participant’s status.

Get in Touch with Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care, a free in-home assessment for your love one utilizing our assessment tool, and a personalized caregiving plan.

In-Home Senior Care in the Central Valley & East Bay, CA