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Care Management Services

Our passion is assisting seniors in getting the care they need to live their best life. For some, that is in the safety and security of their own home. For others, it is the activity and companionship of others in an assisted living community. We believe home is where the heart is. If you find that your home may no longer be the best option, ACASA Senior Care Central Valley & East Bay‘s assisted living placement service can be a helpful guide, providing you with the information you need to navigate the sea of communities and find the best fit.

elderly woman and grand child

This Is Our Commitment to You

  • Unlike online search engines, we have extensive knowledge about each community we will recommend to you.
  • There is no cost to you for this service, and we have information available for every budget and every need.
  • We will take the time to meet personally with you to understand your needs and recommend the community that best fits your lifestyle.
  • We will not refer you to any community we would not feel comfortable sending someone we love.
  • You will work directly with our Care Advocate and will not receive unwanted phone calls.
elderly couple having lunch

What to Look For in a Senior Living Community

When interviewing assisted living communities, it is most important to consider the quality of care your loved one will receive. Be sure to visit the community unannounced or during an activity and evaluate the cleanliness of the community and the friendliness and attentiveness of the staff. Be mindful of any odors including good ones as it can indicate inadequate care or cover-ups. Also, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to get honest feedback from residents and families. When working with ACASA Senior Care Central Valley & East Bay, we do most of the legwork so you can rest assured we are providing you with the best options in the area. Once our knowledgeable staff has compiled a list of reputable assisted living communities, you will be able to tour the residences and decide on the one in which you feel the most comfortable.

The Assisted Living Placement Process

First, we evaluate your loved one in their home to assess their particular needs. Then, we cross-reference with our list of communities for assets and setups that would be most beneficial according to the patient’s health and budget. Our family-owned and operated company has placement agents who work internally with seniors and families from all over. They know all of the best communities in the area, the people who operate them, and the best ones for specific types of care. We can work with all of their personnel to get patients admitted and to live comfortably in no time at all. You’ve exhausted every resource in the care of your loved one. Now, let us utilize our knowledge and years of experience to assist you in finding the best community available for a life of comfort, health, and dignity.

Get in Touch With Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care, a free in-home assessment for your love one utilizing our assessment tool, and a personalized caregiving plan.

In-Home Senior Care in the Central Valley & East Bay, CA